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Celebrating the First
Communications Week in Nigeria

(Most Rev. Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji, Archbishop of Owerri Archdiocese & CBCN President)

We are thrilled as the Church in Nigeria takes this great stride to celebrate the first Communications Week (ComWEEK), as an expansion of the World Communications Day, following its unanimous approval by the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN).

In keeping with the 55 years tradition, the Holy Father invites us during this year’s World Communications Day to reflect on the theme: “Listen with the ear of the heart.” He emphasises the “great need to listen to one another” because, “freely giving of our own time to listen to people is the first act of charity.” The continuous call on the Church to “listen” is not accidental, since it is the panacea for peace in the world, which is based on justice.


Daily, we come across neighbours, strangers as well as family members whose only need is to be heard. This very important element of communication, listening, is more of a skill than a natural endowment. The ComWEEK programme therefore affords us, among other things, the opportunity to learn to listen to one another.


We commend our National Directorate of Social Communications, under the able leadersship of Very Rev. Fr. Michael Nsikak Umoh, for producing this daily programme of activities for use during the whole week of media literacy in the Church and for making it available in this booklet, as well as on the and the Nigeria Catholic Network ( Apps.


I strongly encourage all priests, pastoral agents and individuals to ensure that all Catholics download the App and are part of the daily activities by physically attending the programmes in their parishes. Those who for good reasons cannot participate in their parish or small communities, can also be part of the programme  online as a family, group of friends, or alone.

We commit the success of this initiative to God through the intercession of our Mother Mary, who teaches us how to listen to the voice of God and how to do His will.

(Most Re

v. Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji, Archbishop of Owerri Archdiocese & CBCN President)

We arevthrilled as the Church in Nigeria takes this great stride to celebrate the first Communications Week (ComWEEK), as an expansion of the World Communications Day, following its unanimous approval by the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN).


In keeping with the 55 years tradition, the Holy Father invites us during this year’s World Communications Day to reflect on the theme: “Listen with the ear of the heart.” He emphasises the “great need to listen to one another” because, “freely giving of our own time to listen to people is the first act of charity.” The continuous call on the Church to “listen” is not accidental, since it is the panacea for peace in the world, which is based on justice.


Daily, we come across neighbours, strangers as well as family members whose only need is to be heard. This very important element of communication, listening, is more of a skill than a natural endowment. The ComWEEK programme therefore affords us, among other things, the opportunity to learn to listen to one another.


We commend our National Directorate of Social Communications, under the able leadersship of Very Rev. Fr. Michael Nsikak Umoh, for producing this daily programme of activities for use during the whole week of media literacy in the Church and for making it available in this booklet, as well as on the and the Nigeria Catholic Network ( Apps.


I strongly encourage all priests, pastoral agents and individuals to ensure that all Catholics download the App and are part of the daily activities by physically attending the programmes in their parishes. Those who for good reasons cannot participate in their parish or small communities, can also be part of the programme  online as a family, group of friends, or alone.

We com

mit the success of this initiative to God through the intercession of our Mother Mary, who teaches us how to listen to the voice of God and how to do His will.